The Impact of the Global Pandemic on Software Development and QA Automation

As the world began to shut down under the threat of a deadly and rapidly-spreading coronavirus, leaders and organizations moved quickly to implement and generate plans to adapt systems and processes within a new and unprecedented operating environment. As companies shifted to remote work environments, IT professionals and software developers were tasked with adapting systems and building new applications to enable continuity of operations. To make things more complicated, all of these new plans still needed to ensure high business performance and quality software releases.

Quality continues to be be a challenge for many businesses since software testing is often an afterthought. However, to stay ahead of the competition, maintain relevance and retain happy customers in an unprecedented environment, it’s vital for businesses to ensure software is delivered quickly and error-free. It is important that testing isn’t skipped or given a little attention. When QA isn’t the focus, the customer ends up playing the testing role and can be left frustrated with a bug-filled software experience. The businesses that focus on releasing a high-quality software product receive positive customer feedback, credibility and trust. All of this credibility and trust results in high rates of customer retention.

The uncertainty around what our “new normal” will look like is pushing organizations toward disruptive technologies and digital transformation initiatives. This pandemic has been a wake-up call for many businesses and has forced them to focus on software quality assurance (QA). More organizations are discovering how digital tools help to build long-term resilience. But accelerating application development alone is not enough and robust QA processes are essential.

Conventional QA and manual testing practices are unable to reduce efforts, provide quick feedback, or minimize the time to market. This moment in time demands replacing a legacy quality assurance methodology with an automated and more efficient approach. As we collectively map out a new normal, it has become increasingly apparent that the implementation of contactless technology will be widespread and extensive. During this continued shift toward digital transformation, businesses must remain focused on how to improve performance and implement a solid software testing process. Prime’s QA and automation testing services offer the ideal solution for effective quality assurance, cost reduction, and increased productivity in testing.

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